you are worth it

you are worth it

If you have found your way here then I am guessing you are a curious, intuitive and brave soul looking to live your best life! You are here for a reason and I am so happy you have either stumbled upon Soul and Moonlight, or have come over from my social media. So without further ado let me welcome you to the first official Blog Post on Soul and Moonlight! 

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Let me introduce myself. Hi, I am Kylie, my passion is working with and inspiring souls to embrace their truth, to guide you on your Soul Lead life and empower you in mind, body, and soul. If you are doubting your worth, feeling anxious, or just feel like there should be more to life, then you have come to the right place. 

Soul and Moonlight is a place where you can come and nurture YOU! It is about making that all important '“me time” that or ‘ego’ often has us feeling guilty about doing. From Blog posts to empower you, to offering services that will give you the messages your guides want you to receive so you can connect with your true self, and why you chose to incarnate in this lifetime. Crystals to help rise your vibrational frequency and connect your to Mother Earth and of course beautiful products to nurture your body, your senses and your spirit. 

There are so many things I am excited to share with you, I am so excited to be part of your journey to empowerment and alignment. I really want to emphasis two messages here today, messages that I want you to walk away from this blog thinking about.



What do I mean by saying you are worthy? I mean YOU are worth putting time in to! You are worth it, you are worth the work that you need to put in in order to awaken, in order to live your best life possible and manifest your dreams, and I am here to support you on this path! You are worthy of love because YOU ARE LOVE! Can you say “I love myself” without feeling like it is fake, a lie, or without feeling really uncomfortable? If you can that is so wonderful, if you can’t then know this, you are not alone! So many things happen to us on our life journey and they can lead to a disconnection with our soul. Now that doesn’t mean we don’t have one, it means that at some point in our life we split from our true soul purpose. It could be through trauma, through being told we weren’t good enough, being denied affection or attention, or because we have been believing that the only way we are worthy and loveable is when we are…. Pretty enough. Loose that weight. Get the job promotion. Have financial abundance. Have a certain someone love us. Become a parent. These are things that mainstream society has convinced us we need in order to be loveable, worthy and of course happy. I call bullshit on that. 

We have the chance in this generation to wake up. Our parents and even our grandparents have been fed this BS that happiness is obtained through being successful in marriage, education and of course having more money than others. Now we are being fed that too, how many people are in debt because they ‘had to have’ a house with a guest room, a theatre room, or a certain amount of bathrooms? How many people are in debt with student loans and are now not even happy with their career path, but feel trapped? And how many times have you heard people admit they are not happy even though they have the house, the car, the marriage? How many people wind up with broken relationships because they were working so dam hard for that dream house that they forgot to spend time having fun with their lover. It is so common, in fact our physical and mental health are suffering because we are forgetting how important self care is, how important following our soul, our gut, or intuition is because we have been tricked into believing that our worth is based on money! So yes you are worth spending time on, self care is not a trend it is a MUST! We can break these patterns for the next generations by awakening our souls and manifesting our dream through love, rather than exhaustion. 

I also want you to take away the message that you have free will. You may be thinking that we cannot control things in our lives and to an extent that is true, but we have more power than we often believe we have. As children a lot of power is taken away from us, things happen to us without our say, without our consent, and we are often left without a voice. As adults we too can be hurt in ways, or experience trauma that was not our fault, or we lose loved ones and suffer tremendous grief, for a while we may be treated with compassion and kindness, and then we are expected (in an acceptable timeframe according to our culture) to pick ourselves up, dust our selves off and get over it (or at least pretend you are over it) because grief makes others uncomfortable. The truth is we are often left with wounds that have not healed properly. This is where free will will comes in. We have a choice to stay in that space, the space where our undercurrent runs deep and painful whilst we tread the waters just above. Or we can choose to work on healing our pain, our trauma and choose to reconnect with our soul. Often doing this we need support and this is where free will and your feelings of worthiness combine. You have to feel worthy in order to seek support. You have to believe you are worth it when it comes to spending money on yourself and your wellbeing. You have to make a choice about staying stuck in destructive patterns, or realigning with your reason for your incarnation in the first place. Until we understand we are worthy and that we have free will we can remain stuck.

When you have your tarot or oracle cards read understanding free will is so important! Our guides, angels and ancestors are coming from a place of love and light. They want to empower you and help you manifest your life in a positive way. The messages you receive in a tarot or oracle reading are delivered to you with the understanding that you have free will. Your future is not set in stone, life is about flow and about making decisions based on your intuition. When you hear a message think of it as it as a reflection of where you are at right now. It is calling you to have a deep conversation with yourself and your soul, and letting you know what you need to work on if you want to manifest your dreams. 

I am so excited that you are on your journey to a soul lead life

Love and light, Kylie 


we are light…we are energy