we are light…we are energy

Have you ever felt like you were denying your truth? Have you worried if you said some of the things you actually think, or believe out loud that you would sound really strange? If you have I can tell you that you are far from alone. I have felt that way pretty much my entire life, even now I am coming to terms with how to tell people ‘I hear people who have passed over’. Did you ever see The Sixth Sense, where the little boy says “I see dead people?” Well I am not so much seeing them, I more sense them and hear the messages they wish to share, and I am not going to lie, I have felt pretty freaked out by it!

Let me explain, I am not freaked out by ‘them’, I am freaked out that this is actually happening to me. Can anyone relate? I have been channeling messages from guides all my life, but although I often felt like spirits, souls (or whatever name you are comfortable inserting here) were around me I would put up my hand and be like ‘so I know you are there, I feel you, but just don’t present because I am too scared.’ I honestly think watching movies did not help me to understand what this experience would feel like. I don’t find it scary at all, in fact the messages are beautiful and I can feel so much love around them. I am very clear when I set intentions that I will only accept messages that are for the greater good, that come from pure and good intentions, and I am learning to set up boundaries around protecting myself from anything darker, or from energy drain.

I know this is happening, that what I have been experiencing since my spiritual awakening is real, and I’ll admit I have tried to convince myself that it can’t be, or tell myself it is just my imagination, but when I say things to people that I couldn’t possibly know, then I cannot find logic in that other than this is real. I have been so in my head about it all, but when I let ego (fear) go I know the truth, so yes that kind of freaks me out. I am learning to get out of my own way and not be ruled by insecurity. One thing I kept asking my guides is ‘why me? I am not worthy of this gift',’ (you know what it is like when insecurity sneaks on in), and the messages I get back are very clear. They tell me I am no more or less worthy than anyone else. I am no more important or significant than a tree, a dog, a piece of fruit. We are essentially all energy and light, and we all radiate this energy. So it is not a matter of being worthy, put simply … it just is what it is.

From the perspective of Source, Energy, God, Guides or Angels (whatever you are comfortable with) we are all equal. No one person matters more, no person matters more than animals, or plants. We are essentially all connected, therefore there is no separation, and no being ‘better than’ or ‘worse than’. There is no male and female, we are all masculine and feminine energies, there is no ‘me’ or ‘I’, we just are… everything.

The more I communicate the more I understand that there is no answer to ‘why me?’ We can all awaken, we can all connect, some of us are just currently more open to it. For years I denied it, I actively forced it away, but since opening up and accepting it is like the flood gates were released and I am like ‘hey hang on you’re talking too fast’, my human brain is still catching up.

So why share this with you today? Ultimately because I know if you have found your way here you are most likely an intuitive. You are probably psychic even if you don’t know it, or accept it right now. I want you to understand you are not alone! Wherever you are on your journey I can assure you that you are going to be ok! We are souls awakening and more of us are awakening now than we ever have in human history.

If you take anything away from reading this please know that it is your ego, which is fear, that stops us accessing our higher selves. Try and get out of you head and feel into your body, allow your soul to dance, glow and in turn fully awaken.

We are all made up of energy, and we are all connected. If you wish to deepen your connection with your soul I highly recommend grounding. Grounding is a practice where we allow ourself to reconnect to the Earths elements. Our bodies are made up of water and we breathe in the air filling our bodies with oxygen, it makes sense that spending time in nature, touching, smelling, connecting, will rekindle our relationship with our true path.

We incarnated into this lifetime for a reason and connecting back with Earth, looking at the stars, will help us remember what we came here to do, what lessons we wished to learn and what we have to contribute during this lifetime.

If you are feeling like you need more guidance or support on your journey there are many wonderful people who are willing to share a wealth of knowledge with you. There are parts of our journeys we need to take on our own, and other parts where mentors are imperative. I myself have some wonderful people I would recommend to you if you are wanting to dive deeper into yourself. You do have to be careful who you learn from and who you get support from during a spiritual awakening. I myself offer guidance and support and do work as a mentor, but I also have a wonderful group of people I can recommend to you. You are not alone! If you are on a spiritual awakening journey, or finding you are connecting with guides there are a few things I want you to remember.

  1. Only ever operate from a place of love, light and the best intentions of everyone.

  2. Set up protection for yourself from energy drain and anything that you are not comfortable with. You are the one in control.

  3. Never do anything you are uncomfortable doing!

  4. Do not try and receive messages for anyone who has not given you permission to do so.

  5. If you are receiving any negative messages that are not from a place of love it is most likely your ego (fear) and not actually a connection with guides.

  6. Trust your intuition, if you feel something is not right for you then listen to that.

  7. Mistakes are lessons. look at them from a point of view of ‘what can I learn here?’

  8. Most importantly love who you are, know that you are love! You are light, your are amazing.

You are the purest light, you are love!
You are stardust wrapped in infinite possibility.
— kylie Lindsey-Mackenzie

What to do when you are Triggered.


you are worth it