protect who you are becoming . .

We are all on a journey of becoming who we wish to be, even if we are unaware of this. Think about it for a moment . . . We make choices each and every day. Small choices, large choices, choices we feel are insignificant, in fact at times so insignificant we do them on auto pilot, we don’t even notice we have made such small choices. Other choices we agonise over, spend hours, through to years going back and forth and the little choices, or perhaps unnoticed choices take place whilst we procrastinate over the larger ones, the ones we deem to be more significant to our future dreams.

We often don’t recognise that those small choices and decisions play the constant theme song to our life story. Every choice leads us to what really matters to us and that is ultimatley how we chose to live our lives. We become who we are as a result of all our choices and by becoming conscious of this we can also begin to protect who we wish to become.


We are souls living a human existence, there is so much light inside of each of us and yet many of us have been made to feel insignificant, many of us feel ‘less than’ or even powerless. Between outdated beliefs, manipulation of big corporations and media we are gradually made to feel self love, speaking up for ourselves, or owning our own identity is either naive, arrogant, or selfish. We are taught if we don’t want to be alone or rejected we need to be accepted by society, by our peers and our country, and in order to do so we must listen to the ‘truth’ that mainstream media and advertisements feed us. The real truth is we already belong, we are already connected to everyone and everything that matters. We are all energy, connected to nature, to animals, to plants, to the sunshine and the rain. We are able to live because of these things, and we have been taught to believe they are seperate from us, but they live inside us, they fuel us, feed us, nourish us, and when we simply listen to our souls we know this truth. So why am I sharing this? What does this have to do with choices? Quite simply, everything!

When we understand who we are and our worth we are able to make choices based on our truth rather than untruths or fears. Loving ourselves is in fact loving others and it’s also loving the planet because our energy is all connected and when we can get to a place of caring for ourselves and our future we can protect who we are becoming.

How to protect who you are becoming.

Forgiveness is a great place to start! When we become hung up on past mistakes we have made, things we regret saying, relationships we messed up in, or ways we put ourselves down, and all that does to us is cause stagnation in moving forward. We become bitter, angry, or upset with ourselves, we use demeaning language with ourselves, deprive ourselves (even unknowingly) of things that bring us joy, we may self harm, self sabotage, and we give away all our power. All the beautiful energy we have becomes tainted. We believe we are unworthy of love and kindness and we manifest negativity (even if we think we are not).

No matter where your past mishaps or mistakes rate on your self judgement scale the truth is that it is not helping you to become a better, or happier person. Even if others choose not to forgive you, you are allowed to forgive yourself. The negative energy you release when you think you are not worthy of good things oozes into every part of your life and affects everything and everyone around you. By forgiving yourself and releasing good energy you are not only healing yourself, but you are helping to heal everyone around you.

When you find forgiveness and unburden your heart, you can finally let go of the past hurts and begin to move into who you were always meant to be.

I started this blog post with forgiveness as the focus because when we don’t believe we are worthy of love it can be very hard to truly love ourselves. When we learn to forgive and understand it was all part of a journey we are on we can also begin to experience self-acceptance and self-love. When we don’t forgive ourselves we often see everything we have done as mistakes, and in truth what they were was lessons. When we continue to use the word ‘mistake’ rather than ‘lesson’ we stay in a space of regret, and of self loathing. We think we need to be punished and that is not helpful to us, to anyone we may have hurt, or to anyone who is around us now. Remember our energy affects more than us, it is affecting everyone we come into contact with. Have you ever experienced being around people who are negative, down on themselves or angry? Their energy transfers to us, just like our energy transfers to them.

When we see that we are here to learn, when we see we are being given lessons in order for our soul to reach a higher vibration we look at experiences through new eyes. We see that we can take something from that lesson and improve on the way we act, on the choices we make, on the way we treat others, or treat the planet, and also improve how we behave towards ourselves. When we increase our vibration through kindness towards others, ourselves and the planet, we create a future that benefits the entire universe.

Many of us look at our existence as insignificant, one speck or one drop in the ocean, but if we reword that to say ‘WE ARE THE OCEAN IN A DROPLET’, or we are the universe in a body, we realise how truly miraculous and powerful we are. We are a Soul, and our Ego wants us to stay small in order to protect the world we have been taught and conditioned to live in. A world where what car we drives matters, what purse brand we carry matters, what political party we support matters, or the more our house is worth the more important we are. Ego gives us a false sense of what matters. Our Soul doesn’t think it is better than another Soul because the body drives a more expensive car. Is a Newborn baby happier because it is wearing a onesie that cost $100. compared to one that cost $20.? Does a newborn sleep better because its parent is wearing Louis Vuitton? Of course not, because a newborn hasn’t been conditioned by society, they have no Ego, they know how to feel love, and how to sense whether someone is genuine and kind. Babies clearly pick up on emotions and vibrational energy and so do we, we do not loose that ability, we just stop acknowledging it. We know we don’t like those uncomfortable feelings or vibrations we experience, but we have come to believe we can make them go away by buying something, or conforming to something someone convinces us will make us feel better. The truth is right there in front of us, we know a certain amount money can make us live more comfortably, ensure we have shelter, warmth, health care and food, but we know that the small rush we get the first time we wear an overpriced item (that isn’t even neccisarily made ethically) isn’t going to last.

To live the life that you wish for, a life that feels authentic, a life where you can experience real self acceptance and love. A life where your conscious feels at ease is in fact possible. Ask yourself what is truly important to you. Spend time thinking, reflecting, or journalling about how it would feel to live a soul led life, and what it would look like. Picture it with as much detail as possible. Who would you share it with, what would you enjoy doing when alone, how could you become closer to feeling connected to the Earth? When we can put the Ego aside for even short moments we can tap into what really matters to us and why we came here. We can begin to put measures in place to protect the future we want.

I have put together some examples of things that help me feel more at peace and more connected to my soul truth, and less Ego driven. You may relate to some, or not. Read over them at your own leisure and perhaps write down any that you connect with, remember yours will differ and you may have some you wish to add, or remove.

  • Forgiving ourselves.

  • Viewing mistakes as lessons and asking what can we learn from this?

  • Spending more time in Nature.

  • Supporting charities.

  • Supporting brands that pay fair wages, and treat staff with kindness.

  • Being conscious of where our food is coming from so we can make informed choices.

  • Planting new trees, or flowers that encourage bees and other insects crucial to our ecosystem.

  • Support Indigenous Businesses.

  • Stop using harsh Chemicals in and out of the home.

  • Choose Vegan Skincare products.

  • Respect Cultures and Indigenous practices.

  • Try to eat organic foods where possible.

  • Switch from Plastic products to reusable or safe biodegradable products.

  • Try reusable Menstrual Products and Bamboo Nappies for babies.

  • Switch to Oat Milk rather than Cows Milk.

  • Be wary if items are too expensive, check if there is a reasonable reason for its price tag. For example is it more expensive because they donate funds to charities, pay their staff well, or give back to indigenous communities?

  • Be wary if products are too cheap. This might sound strange, but often if things are very cheap it may be the company is underpaying staff, treating staff poorly, or has staff in every poor working conditions. Sadly a lot of larger companies can make profits because they are cutting costs elsewhere and it can be worth paying a little more for something knowing you are supporting ethical companies.

  • Forgiving others, letting go of anger. for your sake not the other person.

  • Switch to biodegradable toothbrushes.

  • Seeking support if you are going through difficult times.

  • Say thank you more often, let people know you are grateful.

  • Smile at people more often.

  • Learn about different cultures and religions through reliable sources and don’t spread lies or hate.

  • Support small community businesses.

  • Pick up litter off streets, beaches and in parks. Dispose of it properly. You may need to use tongs to safely pick up some items.

  • At a time where many people are wearing face masks please try to avoid disposable ones that become landfill or and up in our ocean. Purchase a few reusable ones and wash them after use. If we do use one time only masks cut the straps so they do not get tangled on wildlife.

  • Respect other peoples beliefs.

  • Be kind to animals always. Spend time with animals, showing them love, it will benefit the animal and us.

  • Don’t be pressured into things that make you uncomfortable, or that go against your soul truth. Also don’t pressure others into things or situations they are uncomfortable with.

  • Know it is ok if not everyone agrees with you, enjoy the fact that we are diverse thinkers. In fact it can be lovely to experience new points of view.

  • Remember that you matter, you make a difference and the world needs you.

  • Mediate, or just take some deep breaths when feeling overwhelmed and remember we all feel that way some times.

  • Remember you are not simply a droplet, you are the universe in that droplet. You are light, love and infinite possibility.


You are made of stardust, you are light, you are love, you are the universe in a droplet, you are infinite possibility.


What to do when you are Triggered.